Signal Pipe Tobacco 1 lb (16oz)

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Signal Pipe Tobacco 1 lb (16oz)

Smooth by Nature

Made in the USA

Starting at $12.86

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Signal Pipe Tobacco 1 lb (16oz)

Tobacco has been a Mohawk tradition for hundreds of years. Tobacco has been used by the Mohawks as medicine, as currency, and in ceremonial rituals. Native American tribes throughout North America would incinerate or smoke the tobacco leaves during religious and other ceremonies. They believed they were sending signals and prayers to the spiritual world. Tobacco was imperative for Native Americans, and was the first cash crop grown by the settlers of the first American colony in Jamestown, Virginia.

We take great pride in our heritage–believing in simple, all natural tobacco without any additives or preservatives. That’s the way tobacco is grown–that’s the way tobacco should be smoked. When you purchase our premium Signal brand of pipe tobacco, you can be sure it is “Smooth by Nature.”

Made in the USA

More Information
Brand Signal
Manufacturer Ohserase
Package Style Bag
Weight 16 oz (1 lb)
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