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Nub Cigars is a brand of premium cigars made by Oliva Cigar Company in Estelí, Nicaragua. The cigars are known for their short, stout shape, which is designed to maximize the flavor and body of the cigar. The Nub Cigar was created by Rafael Nodal, the owner of Oliva Cigar Company. Nodal wanted to create a cigar that would deliver a full flavor profile in a short amount of time. He also wanted to create a cigar that would be easy to smoke, even for beginners. The Nub Cigar is made with a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos The filler tobaccos are grown on Oliva's farms in Estelí, Nicaragua. The wrappers are sourced from a variety of countries, including Ecuador, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic. Nub Cigars are hand-rolled in a traditional Cuban style. The cigars are aged for at least six months before being released to the market. This aging process helps to develop the cigars' flavors and smooth out the smoke. They are a great choice for cigar smokers who are looking for a short, stout cigar that delivers a full flavor profile.
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