Deadwood Cigars is a premium cigar brand known for its bold, full-flavored smokes and its unique branding inspired by the Wild West era. Founded in 2008 by Drew Estate, Deadwood Cigars quickly gained a reputation for pushing the boundaries of traditional cigar blending. Deadwood Cigars continue to push the boundaries of cigar making, consistently delivering cigars that captivate the palates of experienced cigar enthusiasts. The brand's unwavering commitment to quality and innovation has cemented its position as a leader in the premium cigar industry.

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  1. Deadwood Tobacco Co. Fat Bottom Betty (Robusto) 10ct
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  2. The Deadwood Tobacco Co. Crazy Alice (Pyramid) embodies the spirit of the Wild West, offering a taste of adventure, intrigue, and refined craftsmanship. Its captivating flavors, unique shape, and expert construction make it a must-try for cigar enthusiasts seeking an unforgettable smoking experience. Overall, the 4.5" x 52 ring Deadwood Tobacco Co. Crazy Alice (Pyramid) is a great cigar that is sure to please a wide range of cigar smokers.
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