La Aroma de Cuba cigars are a premium brand known for their rich, complex flavor profiles and their connection to Cuban cigar-making traditions. The brand was originally founded in Cuba in 1905, but production was moved to Nicaragua in the 1960s due to political and economic reasons. Despite the change in location, La Aroma de Cuba cigars have remained true to their Cuban roots, using only the finest tobaccos and traditional cigar-making techniques. The brand's commitment to quality, its unwavering focus on traditional cigar-making techniques, and its ability to produce consistently flavorful cigars have solidified its position as a favorite among cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
The flavor and tradition of La Aroma de Cuba finds its roots in 1880 in Cuba. More than 120 years later, La Aroma de Cuba embraces an entirely fresh and prominent heritage in Nicaragua. Made with the utmost skill and craftsmanship for cigar connoisseurs, the La Aroma de Cuba brand never fails to disappoint when you get a taste of the rich, full-bodied complexity with unmatched smoothness. It's no wonder that these cigars are rated at 93-95 and are consistently seen on the top 25 cigar lists from just about every publication.
The La Aroma de Cuba 5-Cigar Assortment includes:1 - La Aroma de Cuba Robusto (5.2”x 54) 93-Rated1 - La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial #5 (5.5”x 52) 93-Rated1 - La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Belicoso (5.5”x 54) 95-Rated1 - La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Magnifico (6”x 52) 94-Rated1 - La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Reserva Maximo (5.5”x 54) 94-Rated
The La Aroma de Cuba Best Seller Assortment is 5 of the best cigars La Aroma de Cuba offers. The Magnifico and Belicoso Mi Amor cigars will have you agreeing that these are Mi Amor. The Reserve and Ediciion Especial cigars give a top-notch flavor and profile to this already impressive collection. Without one of the Robusto cigars that helped restart this classic 1800s cigar blend, no collection would be complete. La Aroma de Cuba is crafted in Nicaragua by legendary Jose "Pepin" Garcia, and distributed by Ashton cigars. But wait, there's more, this Best Sellers Assortment comes with a Branded Single Torch Lighter so you're set and ready to go right from the start.
The Executive Mahogany Travel Humidor is a great small-sized humidor with a big capacity, up to 10 Churchill cigars can fit in this. But don't think this is just a workhorse humidor that you keep hidden and use just for traveling. The look of the fine mahogany wood that encases this cedar-lined box is a great piece to sit on your desk, coffee table or anywhere else you might want to display this humidor.
Note: Humidor does not include cigars.
Prepare to ignite your taste buds with the Fireball Cinnamon Cigarillos, painstakingly hand-rolled in the picturesque Dominican Republic. Constructed with Cuban-seed Dominican filler ensconced in an Indonesian wrapper, these cigarillos capture the essence of their iconic whiskey counterpart. Bursting with the fiery zest of cinnamon, they deliver a thrilling explosion of flavor with each and every puff.
Each unit is 1 tin of 10 cigarillos, Buy a Box of 5 tins and Save!
Good Stuff Pipe Tobacco is the perfect tobacco for any occasion, whether you’re enjoying an evening with friends or sipping on your favorite drink at home. Get the most out of your favorite part of the day. The Good Stuff offers a variety of flavors - Red, Gold, Menthol, Menthol Gold, Natural (Preservative and Additive Free) and Silver. No matter which flavor you choose, you’ll be happy that you went with The Good Stuff.
Don't forget to add a hydration product to keep your tobacco from getting to dry.
Houseplant holds a profound appreciation for anything that enriches the joy of indulging in our beloved plant, yet finding products that seamlessly marry functionality with beauty is a rare discovery. We're referring to those exceptional items that effortlessly enhance a bookshelf, add a touch of flair to a coffee table, or simply elevate any space they grace.
Recently, OCB partnered with Seth Rogen and his esteemed brand, Houseplant®, to unveil Houseplant® by OCB®. This collaboration promises to redefine the smoking experience, offering a selection of sustainably produced, meticulously crafted rolling papers and cones in bamboo, brown rice, and classic variations.
Take, for instance, our rolling paper made from ethically sourced and responsibly harvested rice cultivated in France's Camargue river delta. Created with water from the French Alps, these unbleached and ultra-thin papers, gummed with acacia, deliver a premium rolling and slow-burning experience, setting a new standard for quality and sustainability.
Each unit is one pack of 50 papers, Buy a box of 24 packs and SAVE!
Powermatic IV Plus Cigarette Rolling Machine continues the commitment to quality that you've come to expect from our most popular cigarette machine manufacturer. The machine features a titanium-plated compressor and a high-precision aluminum alloy frame for smooth injection. The design of this machine also includes a removable hopper for holding extra tobacco making it easier than ever to use. This machine will fill both regular and 100mm cigarettes.
The new Plus Version features the addition of an On/Off Button and a slot in the spoon to better release tobacco residue.
One Year Limited Manufacturer's Warranty included.
Machines cannot be sent back to Smoker's Outlet Online for refund or credit.
These tubes are an excellent choice, and are available at a great low price. They can be used with any machine or injector. Each box contains 200 tubes.
Note that the manufacturer has changed the look of the tubes for some of these products.
Introducing The Smoke Odor Exterminator Candle - Gummies edition. Just like unraveling a bag of your beloved soft, chewy candies, the Gummies candle is overflowing with fruity sensations, including black cherry, ripe peach, pink grapefruit, and tangy lemon, all complemented by a whisper of vanilla sugar. Dive right in and savor the sweetness!